Sep 22, 2017

First Day of Fall Poetry Tea Time

Today is the first day of fall. Here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, it doesn't feel like fall. Usually, we have fall weather early but today it was hot, humid, and we had thunderstorms. This didn't stop us from enjoying our weekly poetry tea time, though.

Every Friday we finish up any school work that needed to get done and later we do a nature study and poetry tea time. My kids love our Fridays here and look forward to it all week. I'm happy they are so excited for it, we have so much fun together.

This week we read a few poems from Robert Frost and Where The Sidewalk Ends poetry books. This week I also added in 2 fall time books I picked up at the library, Bella's Fall Coat and Plumply, Dumply, Pumpkin.

The Robert Frost book we use is called Poetry for Young People: Robert Frost. I love the illustrations in this book and the explanations of the poems on the bottom of each poem. It makes discussions of the poems a lot easier. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a poetry book for middle school aged children and up. You can find the book here...Poetry for Young People: Robert Frost

Where The Sidewalk Ends is an excellent book for children of all ages. The poems in here are short and silly. We all enjoy reading these and the kids don't ever want me to stop reading. You can find the book here....Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings

We read poems from each of the poetry books each week. Once we finish Robert Frost poems we will start on a new Poet. I will sometimes include books or poems I find online. Before we start reading the poems we make a special treat to eat. Today that treat was chocolate chip cookies. The kids all helped to make the cookies. Brayden and Haddy were very excited for the cookies and could hardly wait for them to be done.

After the cookies were done we all sat down at the table to eat and read. I love doing this with the kids each week. It's a special time we get to spend together and their lives are enriched with poetry.

Do you do poetry tea time? What is your favorite thing about it? Leave a comment below because I would love to hear from you.

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  1. I just love the pictures of your Littles watching the cookies bake.. So sweet!
