Apr 13, 2018

5 Reasons Why We Homeschool Year Round

I homeschool my children year round. Our schedule and the type of things we do during the summer is different than what we do during the traditional school year. In the summer we do more nature studies, poetry, art, and whatever else might interest my kids at the time.

Here are my 5 reasons why I homeschool all year!

I don't want my kids to forget all the things they learned at the end of the school year when we get back into school after summer. I like to make sure they stick to their math lessons and reading. This is especially important to me for my younger ones who are just learning to read.

We get to do a lot of outside learning. We live in Michigan where winter can be long. (It's April 13th and we have snow storms coming)
Summer allows us to get outside and explore science through nature. We do a lot of our nature studies in the summer. I even have some fun poetry teatimes planned for this summer!

We are always ahead.
Because we school through the summer, we can take longer breaks during the traditional school year. For Christmas break, we can take 3 weeks off. If the weather is nice in the fall we can take a "sun day" and enjoy the weather before it gets cold.

During the traditional school year, I can slow down lessons that the kids who might need a bit more time understanding it. I don't feel rushed or a time pressure to get things completed. The kids don't feel that either so it helps them perform better.

Because of all these reasons we can gently homeschool year long. We have no need to "hit things hard" or rush to finish anything. All of this makes homeschooling more enjoyable for the kids and less stressful for me.