Jan 2, 2020

About Me

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Amanda and I'm a homeschooling mom of 5. I thought I would update this section of my blog since it's been a while since I've done that.

All About Me

The first thing you should know about me is that I'm an imperfect person. I lose my temper, I yell, I even drop the "F-bomb" more than what I'd like to admit. I have this idea in my head of the type of woman I'd like to be and I'm a far cry from being that but each day I wake up with the intentions to be more like that ideal woman. Maybe one day I will get there. I don't want anyone coming to my blog or my social media accounts with the idea that I have it all together. I assure you I do not. I do what most moms do, wake up and be the best I can be on that given day. Because of my imperfections, I fully rely on God to get me through life and navigate through motherhood and marriage.

I'm a coffee addict and usually every morning on my Instagram story you will see me with a cup of coffee or a latte. My husband gifted me the greatest gift money can buy and that's my espresso machine. I also enjoy reading, crocheting, going for walks, Amazon, and being cozy. I love to laugh, spend time with my family, and enjoy the simple things in life.

All About My Family

As I mentioned above, I have 5 kids. I was a teen mom and life has taken us through so much as a family. We currently live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in a beautiful and cozy log home. We also have a cabin that sits on 5 acres by a river that we love to stay when we get the time. Our family enjoys traveling and we wish we could do it more often. My husband loves motorcycles and spends most of the summer on his bike. My kids have all sorts of interests like legos, reading, makeup, art, and animals. All in all, we are a pretty typical family.

About My Blog

I started blogging as a way to share our homeschooling journey. This eventually turned into me sharing all kinds of things. You'll see me write about mom life, homeschooling, and books. I started an Instagram account so I could share my blog stuff. My Instagram has taken on a life of its own and now my blog is just an extension of that. I'm active on Instagram and you can find my account here.

I hope that by visiting my blog and social media accounts that you find encouragement, inspiration, and laughter. If you have any questions about anything you can contact me through email or send me a message on Instagram.
Email : joyfulwifelife@gmail.com

Thank you so much for taking some time to get to know me and my family. Thank you for supporting my blog.


  1. Love this little update on you and your sweet family 🖤

    1. You are so kind, thank you being such a big supporter of mine!

  2. Thanks Amanda! Great to get more on your inside scoop! ❤️❤️
    See you on IG!

    1. Thank you so much for "stopping by" I hope you have a wonderful 2020!

  3. Love this! Your Instagram page is warm and inviting as well. Looking forward to hearing more!
