
Nov 25, 2019

Thanksgiving Activites For Kids | Part 2

Thanksgiving is only a few days away and I am so excited. Keeping up with my part 1 of Thanksgiving activities for kids, here is my part 2. Let's just get right to it. Don't forget to check out my part 1.

Thanksgiving Activities For Kids | Part 2

Before I get into more activities I wanted to share this fun activity I was sent by Timberdoodle. This cute little donkey is fun to build and even more fun to paint. My 10yr old and 6yr old did this activity. After the donkey was built I had each of them take turns and paint a side of it. It worked out very well and they loved the opportunity to paint and be creative. This activity comes with everything you need aside from paint. I went to WalMart and had the kids pick out a few different colors of the .50 cent paints. You can find this cute UGears 4Kids Donkey and Cart here.

4 More Thanksgiving Activities 

  • Writing or coloring a list of things the kids are thankful for is always a wonderful activity. I love reading what they have to be thankful for. 
  • Playing with playdough and making their own little Thanksgiving dinner is so fun for kids. You can kick it up a notch and make your own pumpkin or apple playdough. You can do a fast search on Google and find lots of recipes. 
  • Print off some Thanksgiving color pages. You can find tons of free color pages on Google.
  • Turkey's handprints are a beloved activity in our home. It's simple and something you can keep for years to come.

    I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving with your families.

Nov 10, 2019

Thanksgiving Activities For Kids | Part 1

If you regularly follow me it should be no surprise to you that I'm a mom of 5. Being a mom of so many it is always so much easier for us to have Thanksgiving at our house. I enjoy everything about Thanksgiving even if I am the only one who cooks. Over the years I have found that I need to keep my kids busy so I can get all the cooking and prep work done. If you are like me you are baking pies the day before Thanksgiving. I decided I would write up a 2 part blog on different Thanksgiving activities kids can do. These blogs will also include 2 featured reviews from my beloved Timberdoodle. Let's get into it.

Featured Item: Plus-Plus Turkey

What kid doesn't love to build things? I know my kids love things like legos and these plus-plus blocks we've had for some years now. When I was given the opportunity to review this cute turkey I jumped on it because I knew my son would love it. I wasn't wrong.

This tube comes with the pieces you need and also the instructions. My son has been playing with these blocks for years so he knows how to use them and had a pretty easy time putting this together. I will say that ours did not come with the exact colors as shown in the instructions but it was easy enough to improvise using other colors. It still turned out very cute and my son had fun. He also built other things with these like the Mayflower. All in all we enjoyed these and this will keep a kid busy for a while. You can find this kit on the Timberdoodle website.

Thanksgiving Ideas For Kids

In addition to the turkey plus-plus blocks, here are a few other activity ideas for kids this Thanksgiving.

  • Using brown paper as a table cloth will keep kids busy because you can have them decorate it by coloring and drawing on it. 
  • My kids enjoy making up plays. One year they dressed Haddy up as a turkey and used a paper bag to make her costume. It was very cute. 
  • Make a special tradition. One thing my kids look forward to is eating their pumpkin pop tarts watching the Macy parade. 
  • Make butter. This was something I did as a child and my kids love it. It's so easy to make this, All you need is a jar with a lid and heavy whipping cream. You can also add in salt if you would like. Have the kids all take turns shaking the heavy cream in the jar until you have homemade butter. 
I hope you enjoyed these ideas and make sure you come back tomorrow for part 2!