
Sep 17, 2019

Morning Chore Madness

In the mornings after breakfast, the kids and I run around the house getting some chores done. I have the older 3 kids help in this so that things get done a little faster. We sweep, load the dishwasher, tidy up the living room, get a load of laundry in, and wipe down counters. During this madness yesterday I lost track of the baby (2yr old) and Haddy (6yr old) Typically Haddy doesn't help with morning chores because I find it easier for her not to. Anyway, I was searching through the house trying to find those two and I ended up finding them in my bathroom. Haddy had Raegan in her lap and she was brushing her hair. Haddy told me she wanted to help out so she decided to get Raegan's hair brushed out for me. She is such a sweet girl.

Missing The Picture

In the rush to get chores completed I'm missing out in other important things like allowing my 6yr old to help out. She desperately wants to be a helper and often finds her own little ways of helping. Sometimes she makes her bed and wants me to come look, she has even attempted to make my bed. I love her so much and don't have the heart to fix the bed after she made it. In my chaos of morning chores and trying to stick to a 9am sharp school start time, I am snuffing out Haddy's willingness to help out.

What Now

 We have a large family with 5 kids. It's essential to my survival that my kids help out with chores. I usually start them off at 9yrs old in doing chores when I should really be starting them so much sooner. The sense of accomplishment Haddy felt when helping out yesterday was so evident on her face when she smiled up at me to proudly tell me she was helping out with the baby. This really made me rethink everything. There really isn't any reason why I shouldn't be letting her help out. Haddy prides herself on being a big sister, she has ever since she found out she was going to be one. So, instead of worrying about a schedule I want to keep I now plan to include Haddy in the morning chore madness. Her new job is to brush out Raegan's hair and she couldn't possibly be more excited to do so.

What About You

At what age do your kids start doing chores and what do they do? I plan to add some evening chores for Haddy and even Raegan. Raegan loves to help get the laundry out of the dryer.

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